Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading single cause of disease burden and death in Australia. CHD is largely preventable, as many of its risk factors are modifiable. These include tobacco smoking, biomedical risk factors such as high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, insufficient physical activity, poor diet and nutrition, and overweight and obesity.
Momentum Exercise Physiology will guide you through your cardiac rehabilitation by supporting you with correct exercise prescription and education with the aim of strengthening your heart and physical health. We will help you make long-term lifestyle changes so you can live a longer, healthier life.
Cardiac rehab is proven to keep you out of hospital and reduce your risk of death from heart conditions, help with your recovery after a heart event, procedure or the diagnosis of a heart condition and lower your chances of having heart problems in the future.
As cardiac rehab often involves physical activity and exercise to improve heart health, it can sometimes be daunting. Don’t worry if you find some exercises challenging or have never done them before, our exercise physiologists will give you safe exercises to suit your ability.
Contact us via our online enquiry form and we’ll be in touch.